Knights of Columbus, Father Juan Crespi Council #4784 @ St. Luke Parish invites boys and girls ages 9 to 14 to compete in our Council Level FREE THROW CONTEST on Sunday February 9, 2025 from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM in St. Luke Parish Gymnasium!
At the Council level, each age contestants shoot 15 shots. Tied scores will compete in successive 5 shot increments to break the tie. One age winner advances to the District level.
District level contestants will compete with the age winners of the five councils in District 55. District level contestants shoot 25 shots. Same 5 shot tie breaker applies for a contestant to emerge a winner in their age group.
One age winner advances to the Regional-San Joaquin Chapter level and will compete with the age winners of the 25 councils in the Chapter. Chapter level contestants shoot 25 shots and the same 5 shot tie breaker applies for a contestant to emerge a winner in their age group.
One age winner from the Regional-SJ Chapter level will compete with the age group winners of the 16 Chapters for the Knights of Columbus for the California State Competition. The same 5 shot tie breaker applies for a contestant to emerge the winner.
Ages 9, 10, 11 Boys & Girls Competition to use a women’s regulation-size basketball and shoot from a 12-foot foul line at a 10-foot high basket.
Ages 12, 13, 14 Girls Competition to use a women’s regulation-size basketball and shoot from the regulation foul line 15-feet at a 10-foot high basket.
Ages 12, 13, 14 Boys Competition to use a men’s regulation-size basketball and shoot from the regulation foul line 15 feet at a 10-foot high basket