As we gear up to begin practice for our Winter Sports--Boys Basketball, we are working with our coaches to solidify our regular practice schedule which will go into effect the week of November 4, 2024.
3rd and 4th Grade Coaches have received their rosters and we are working on transition the practice schedule as we head into the post season for Girls Basketball. This period of transition can be complicated on the scheduling-side of things and confusing for those of you that are new to Boys Basketball. The gist of it is ..... Girls Basketball is in season and Boys Basketball is about to enter pre-season. For the weeks beginning October 14, October 21 and October 28, the boys will be working around the girls practices. Halloween Week is especially impacted because we do not have the gym on Thursday, October 31 or Friday November 1. Please be patient and flexible during the transition period.
With that said, 3rd and 4th Grade may begin a modified practice schedule the week beginning October 14, 2024. We have a couple more logistical things to work out--all in all we are making good progress.
3rd and 4th Grade Parents--you should hear from your coaches this week in preparation to implement our transition practice schedule next week! And again--our regular practice schedule will begin the week beginning November 4, 2024.
5th through 8th Grade Parents--hang tight! Practice may begin with our transition practice schedule for you the week beginning October 21, 2024.